Clan Database CLEANUP
Hello community,
most of u have propably already noticed that Clan Database has been finally cleaned up and sorted.
We've added special TABS to make it easier to find Clans/Teams/National Teams playing:
and also added "STAFF" TAB which contains teams of public server admins, e+ mod admins, e+ referees, e+ mappers.
Cleanup and sortation was done after having this poll on forum link to poll.
I have personally (terror) blocked around 300 clans and teams which I concider to be dead on this mod...
however some of You might notice that your precious clan or team vanished from clandb and You demand to bring it back there ! - no problem Just send me PM with exmplanation why should I put it back and how active this clan/team is. I'm only asking for being reasonable and don't ask me to bring some long-time gone team just because it was a "cool bunch of guys and we are like family" or "because it is a legendary clan". If we would keep all of dead entries just because of sentimental reasons, we would be stuck again with 300 dead clans and teams in ClanDB
and we all want to keep it nice and tidy don't we ?
mmmkay ;p
Another thing I need to write and I know I'll be damned because of it :E
Have another look at Clan Database. For example check RAIL tab... on top are CLANS, lower TEAMS, then NATIONAL and at very bottom is "INACTIVE"
All clans/teams which are sorted in INACTIVE will be blocked by me in 1 month from today ( 24.06.2013 ).
If You see that there is Your team or clan and You are active bunch of guys/girls then u can edit it and put it back to active, but if you won't do it I will eventually concider it as DEAD and block it on date I mentioned above.
EXCEPTION: EXCESSIVE CLANS/TEAMS - I won't block those, EXCESSIVE side is dead itself and is there only for historic reasons ^^
over and out
btw also I have sorted teamspeak channels, any requests - send me PM
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My teams:
XD PLZ NO HOMO" was supposed to be a parody of all the latest teams made by illiterate retards with shiny team names and can go
Soldat team was instigated by me and consisted of me corwin zoomer cinek connie and kyto in 2010, neber to play again so can go to archive too
p4l i'd rather keep here, not sure under which category, because we're not specifically rail only, or vanilla only and have competed in other mods, games and even genres
xXx team stays no matter what, it had the best Win/Loss ration with at least 50 games played and tough opponents.
And as all the related TS channel go, feel free to delete all of those as we have other means of voice communication.
Also good job Terror, I've always criticised the e+ community for lack of initiative, but this mod seems to be looking more appealing with every improvement like this.
Easy won't do it for me he still expects 10000 euro settlement check from Edawn for completely redoing his stolen code from scratch, and I guess I am somehow responsible. Better call my cousin Stevo so we can go bowling and figure out how to get the funds.
edit: "Pro" is a bit overkill but if you somehow manage to put p4l into both insta (since we completed here) and vanilla, the credit to you.
good job terror

... if you somehow manage to put p4l into both insta (since we completed here) and vanilla, the credit to you.done it 2 or 3 days ago
Thanks dude
Nice!Very cute!
i see now plus-national-teams and rail-national-teams separately!
rail-national-teams can have separately national rank?
I see too, but do you know any national cup on railonly? cause i don't know any.
There was a try but nothing else.
xd ill ask easy to make 2 special tabs for you and your clans
1. PRO = for P4L