Yesterday night, I just found out in an email that my house back in Poland has been robbed, and some stuff including my pc taken. I dont really now what to say, I just came to whine on the forums because this really really sucks at a time like this. Fortunately they didn't take that much stuff (ofc it was a lot but it can be made up). Now we've just got the laptop which is here with us. Apart from actually losing a valuable piece of equipment, I also lost some files, which is really bad as well. This is starting to look as the worst Christmas yet
thats realy realy sad.
hope u will get the things back or to get money from the insurance to buy new stuff like pc etc
Damn, man, that is f*cked.
awww it's sad...
u can't do nothing(even if its not good to think like these), hope everything will be solved like u want . Believe in God He did miracles with me too when i need it one . Head up and pass on it
Come here and get a hug
Shit, man, i can't even begin to imagine how hard that must suck I hope the guys who did it will get run over by a school bus and raped by rabid racoons thereafter.
Mam nadzieję, że reszta świąt już będzie o niebo weselsza dla ciebie i twoich najbliższych.
Trzym się, chłopie. Pozdro.
damnit i dont have a pc in my sack for u sry arax
but i might help u with cfg etc when ur back!
Come here and get a hug
I'll take that hug for him.
This realy sucks for you around Christmas
It's sad too that I can't help.