mhm nice image
mhm nice image
It is not closed. There should be a rule that if someone makes topic about how much post he/she has, that amount should be taken from his counter + ban for two weeks. (also, we could kill his family but it isnt obligatory).
wrote:mhm nice imageIt is not closed. There should be a rule that if someone makes topic about how much post he/she has, that amount should be taken from his counter + ban for two weeks. (also, we could kill his family but it isnt obligatory).
yes! that should be a rule! cause we haven't enough rules here! we don't have forum rules, we don't have ranking rules, we don't have any other rules! we are anarchistic and it works perfect as u can see
i just know i got a lot of poststststs
MY FORUM :@:@!!!
The only "locking thread" rule I have here is - if someone mentions floppy donkey dick in a non-sexy way.
So far you mofo's been obliging to that rule, so keep going
krasti krasti , what u done with u
+ 2 !
krasti krasti , what u done with u
yea dunno now i reached 4k must be smth wrong
lol i have 100 and i am glad xD