2!S 2:0 *XP*/27.07.2006/RANKED
2!S vs XP 2:0
2!S win - 27.07.06 - TAG 4v4 - Timelimit 15 min
Game for: Summer Freeze Cup - 3rd round
1. q3dm7 ( 2!S choice ) 15:8 for 2!S
2. q3dm13 ( XP choice ) 21:8 for 2!S
Gametype: TAG
Players: 4 vs 4
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: disabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Thx for game.
GG all , Nice scores 2!S ; )
gg's both teams!
2s! is getting bigger and bigger i see...an allround clan loking at the players!
gg's in recruiting Mow!
wow great game 2!Sweet
i had a chance to watch the games. the match was nice
gg both!
WP both :rr:
gg mow you have a nice team and a nice teamwork
unlucky, I can't say the same for XP we really need teamwork.
were u surrounded by 2|S players? so many and so good (players)
gg both teams
WoW GG Sweetys!
nice nice