2vs2 CTF Showdown
11. June 2019 - 16:17
13. June 2019 - 17:22
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
13. June 2019 - 17:21
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
Me and?
I want play for fun!
12. June 2019 - 10:55
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
its possible to donwload 2v2 tournament cfg??
for train
12. June 2019 - 11:09
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown

its possible to donwload 2v2 tournament cfg??
for train
14. June 2019 - 11:06
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
I in
14. June 2019 - 11:09
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
Here will be more fun with mixing)
15. June 2019 - 2:12
Re: 2vs2 CTF Showdown
Me and Jabs are in Team eu.
If 18 or more individual players sign up, meaning 9 or more teams of 2, we can change it to a 3vs3 for a minimum of 6 3vs3 teams
. Best of 3
. Player Count: 20-40
. Config: RailFanatic
. Timelimit: 5 minutes each map
. GameType: CTF
. Friendly Fire: By votes
. Fraglimit: 0. PureSkill: 1
. Pure: 1
. xp_matchmode 1
! Freon ! :: CTF ShowDown :: #1 
! Freon ! :: CTF ShowDown :: #2 
tie map is q3ctf1, Blue maps have BFG bounce disabled
Match System: Everyone plays everyone on a Best of 3 Ranked by Point based system Match, this means winning a best of 3 = 2 points
loosing / loosing = 0 points
loosing / winning / loosing = 1 point
winning / loosing / loosing = 1 point
winning / loosing / winning = 2 points
winning / winning = 2 points - ( 3rd map not plaid when you win 2 in a row )
. Win = 3 point
. Loose = 1 point
. Tie = 1 points
. Each team will select a map of their choice, tthe map cant be used twice by the same team over any other team, select them wisely.
. Winner stays on server, looser rotates to the next server vs a different opponent.
. /callvote map: To begin the match one team needs to vote their map, the map will load with a 1 minute warmup
. After game ends the server will rotate on to octagon, the warmup map where the other team calls their map.
. Tie, if game becomes a tie, call q3ctf1 for the tie breaker.
Requirements: disqualification given to anyone who fails to follow
. Freon 2vs2 duel tournament participants are required to have finished their opponents
. PureSkill engine: http://pureskill.tk/
. Member of our Quake III Arena discord group: invite found at http://quake.okayfun.com/ User must have a verified e+ account
. Discord Participation: User must be active at our discord at the time of the event where we will coordinate all matches
. Attendance: No rage quitting, once you start a duel you have to finish your best of 3 without leaving the server.
. Game Ethics: There will be no tolerance for bad behavior, no name calling your opponent on anything this means 'spammer' 'camper' inappropriate names to ridicule or excuse your self from loosing or winning.