3-2-1 >GO!
Get Crackin for the presents!
just Want to wish EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS-time!
--- and a Happy New Year! \:D/
Also i want to show some screenies of my new upcomin map!
and some MUSIC (new pack)!!!>>>
thx, for you 2 :salute:
nice screeny! can't wait
i recomend that u make the sky darker...its more pleasing to the eyes.
it looks like a very very good job so far.can'twait to see the result :salute:
Wipeout and Q3 both great respected games.. nice touch, combining the two concepts.
BUT WAIT!! where are prodigy?? wipeout without firestarter you know it makes sense..
the screenie looks like a map of pro standards, so should be worth the wait..
i still say u fix it up so its darker
Kid´s Showcase