7 years....
panty is still around O.o not seen you in forever man!!
Iam 7+ too. I started playing E+ in summer 2005. I registered on forum when i joined my first clan (class). Many of you propably dont know me cos iam inactive for loooong time. I stopped playing cos not only people are changing around but E+ mod changed in the years too. I still remeber x-nature.cfg on 1.02b, 2!S.cfg on 1.03 and plus.cfg on v2.
Best times I spent on newgods and fff lounge server, with butcher and brat, and many others I don't remeber. Project 9 ctf and borg were same good. ...Many cws, almost everyday fws in ctf with ktr ^_^

panty is still around O.o not seen you in forever man!!
Woah! YOU! Long time no see! Team awesome represent! <3
rofl, rush :0
Dunno how I've got myself today to open e+ forum, but after reading this thread I just wanted to say hello to old mates who could be still around on e+. Anyone remeber me?
I have lots of nice memories from those times spent playing q3 with realy cool people all around the world. It feels somehow sad also, maybe because its over now . All happend over internet only, but still I somehow miss those nights with nice guys from Evol clan and many others sharing the fun and relax while playing this crazy quake mod.
“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” ~Eckhart Tolle
2004 is some serious oldschool stuff, and yeah I remember you from back then
sixxx years! yey e+! Great times!
Ctf was played and was very popular also, like FFA, sometimes it miss me. It makes, for most of us, their popularity.
Really strong friendship formed at this time.
Nostalgia is good.
You 're already dead!