A change? - Kifflam aNk archives
Guys i saw the new consciousness video and it has changed my life. I have since then spoke to warnerman and i am going to live in a commune in sunny Spain. Together we are stronger, an ocean rather than a tiny drop of water!! You guys are cool, maybe join me and my brothers in a life free of computer games, sweet foods and anything that poisons the mind?
Kifflam, Brothers ! (my plane is on midnight so i guess no more quake )

a life free of computer games, sweet foods
fuck that
wtf boss?
Don't mock what you don't understand. Besides, once you transcend the physical, you will know existence that cannot be mocked or insulted. Come join us. Realize your true potential not as human beings, but as a force of will, beings of the cosmos and energy rather than flesh and blood, controlled by the computer that is our body. Shed the material comforts and see the big lies you have been tied down with!
See you all in Spain, i hope.
is it sunny ?
It's always sunny in the place we're going to, my friend.
is there alcohol?
Just wanna ask its one more your joke which i doesnt understand or someone really washed your brains?
shit i watched about 15 mins of that.. was nearly sleeping. (maybe a Lil)
Well like a say the only freedom we truly have is death.
Check off topic, warnerman has shown a video
Kifflam, Brothers