A Clan Ranking Rule

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ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

This is kinda related to the HB clanwar, where some players had their clan tag missing... (and its not in the rules of ranking thread)

Supposing one person cant load the official tag on his config, and instead of


he has


If his clan name/nick are visible (but not offiicial tag) would the clan be penalised?


nonsense repellent declamatory

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
A Clan Ranking Rule

no . Its the same player . For u does it matter the tag or the fight ? Tag its just optional , imo .

shellingjoke's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
A Clan Ranking Rule

tag doesnt matter as long as player is there

I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every penguin that didnt wanna screw to save its species.

sub_nixter's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
A Clan Ranking Rule

i belive tag is important.. but playing without it instead of [clan]player name is same ... but playing without clantag .. or another name like blabla@blabla... is not tolerated IMO

Acidwarrior's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
A Clan Ranking Rule

1. Screenshot looks nicer if all players wear their official Tag
2. for what else have we clantags if we dont use it for CW ?????

mow Q [EN] wrote:

PB without Pure is like a toilet without toiletpaper.

{D*R*T} ABSTI wrote:

Search button??? I've looked for it..but somehow i only have Escape. F1, F2 and so on....maybe it's only on romanian keyboards? Big grin

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
A Clan Ranking Rule

How about a rule, that just players with a legal copy of q3 can play wars?

guidrelax 0 and finished.

about tag, it's clanleaders decission, we don't need for each triffle a rule.

Joined: Sep 2003
A Clan Ranking Rule

A rule would give less discussions though.

And it doesnt matter what the rule says. Thing is that if two clans have a CW and one clan has a non tagged player the other teams can come later and say that the result dont count and bla bla we have a long discussion over nothing. If rule says wear tag then no discussion, if rule says no tag, again, no discussion. Letting everything up to clanleader is best of course, but it would require EVERY clan leader to be responsible and we all know that is not the case.

Me for one is for a "wear tag" rule simply because it is simplest, wear the tag in an official CW means you are a member, harder for clans to borrow players from other clans. Otherwise I dont mind much.

Joined: Sep 2005
A Clan Ranking Rule

stupid idea, if someone posts log u can see which players are in game
let the clans have their flashy tags / whatever. Happy
