a few questions...
I run a FFA dedicated server and a CTF dedicated server on one computer. Never had a problem with rc2a. With 1.0, I can run one server w/o problems. When I start the second server, it seems like its rotation file (even though I have different ones for each server with different g_gametypes) "takes over" the first server.
How do I run two separate servers on the same computer?
Second: Even though I am running a Return the Flag game, it appears as "excessiveplus 1-flag ctf" on GameSpy. Why?
Third: Why do we have to start a map (like test_bigbox) to get the rotation to run? Can't you just put that in the code?
I would like to close by adding I really like excessiveplus and appreciate all of your hard work. I hope you can help me out.

I run a FFA dedicated server and a CTF dedicated server on one computer. Never had a problem with rc2a. With 1.0, I can run one server w/o problems. When I start the second server, it seems like its rotation file (even though I have different ones for each server with different g_gametypes) "takes over" the first server.
How do I run two separate servers on the same computer?
Excessive Plus now by default use the advanced rotation system (link). Take a look at the 'rotation.txt'.
Here is a small sample:
set sv_hostname "your ffa server"
set fraglimit "50"
set xp_config "conf/excessive3"
set xp_rotation "rotation_ffa.txt"
set sv_hostname "your ctf server"
set capturelimit "10"
set xp_config "conf/excessive3"
set xp_rotation "rotation_ctf.txt"[/code:1]
Of course you can disable the advanced rotation system by 'set xp_rotation ""' and use your old rotations.

Second: Even though I am running a Return the Flag game, it appears as "excessiveplus 1-flag ctf" on GameSpy. Why?
We forgot to update the GameSpy Arcade Filter, thank you.
Here is the update:

Third: Why do we have to start a map (like test_bigbox) to get the rotation to run? Can't you just put that in the code?
The problem is that a modification (Excessive Plus) is first executed after you start a map.
So it's suggested that you run test_bigbox in the starting .cfg because it is small and loads very fast.
This only affects the new rotation system! (Old rotations load a map anyway)

#1: The way you described the cfgs and the txts is exactly how I have it set up. It doesn't work.
Then you have to provide more information. How do you start both servers (.bat/sh files) and both .cfg's and rotation files.
Be sure to remove the passwords.

#1a: Also, how do you make the rotation rotate back to the top map and start over?

#2: I am using GameSpy 3D, not Arcade.
GameSpy 3D is not supported.

#3: I guess I'm saying that since you guys wrote the new rotation system, maybe you could have made it so you didn't have to have an extra command in a cfg and instead have changed the code itself. I don't program, but if I did, I would try to fix that.
This can't be 'fixed'. The modification (all it's code) is NOT executed at this point. Only if you load a map Quake 3 loads the modification code and executes it.
Of course you can load the first map of your rotation instead of test_bigbox. We've chosen test_bigbox to make the 'server.cfg' independent of the 'rotation.txt'.
Your problem is "kick allbots" in the rotation files.
This is a command so you have to use "/kick allbots" (or "\kick allbots" whatever you prefer) or it will be processed as a map! (kick.bsp).

That seems to give a console/cfg command to select a map or go to the next one. How do I make it so it automatically starts the list over again?
It does start over again but because of your "kick allbots" it tries to load the map "kick" which probably does not exist.
You have to execute a map too, otherwise it wont load a map at all and you will be stuck, I execute the bigbox map in all my different server configs.
Thanks, Easy.
#1: The way you described the cfgs and the txts is exactly how I have it set up. It doesn't work.
#1a: Also, how do you make the rotation rotate back to the top map and start over?
#2: I am using GameSpy 3D, not Arcade.
#3: I guess I'm saying that since you guys wrote the new rotation system, maybe you could have made it so you didn't have to have an extra command in a cfg and instead have changed the code itself. I don't program, but if I did, I would try to fix that.
I am going to switch back to the old recursive cfg until we get this working.