ABSolute is back
Could I ask any moderator to change absolute team into a clan? Thanks.
GL + HF again
GL HF this time round freunds
Good luck Noshit. Sorry I've read your msg too late. GL anyway.
If you don't know yet, I confirm crysis = keraz.
If you wanna keep it on your clan at least ask him to use his new account.
cos the one registered on ABS should be banned.
so maybe cw on thursday ?
If you don't know yet, I confirm crysis = keraz.
If you wanna keep it on your clan at least ask him to use his new account.
cos the one registered on ABS should be banned.
the crysis in ABS is from NL and is NOT keraz
wrote:If you don't know yet, I confirm crysis = keraz.If you wanna keep it on your clan at least ask him to use his new account.
cos the one registered on ABS should be banned.
the crysis in ABS is from NL and is NOT keraz
If I tell u I'm sure then I'm really sure it's him and I have my reasons.
such as this keraz account has same ip shared with another keraz account that is now banned.
check this pm this abs cysis pmed me just after the other keraz new account said that it's some1 else that has hacked keraz account :
thx ali for bann him he hacked my damn acount and can you send that XP Qname i have another qname in my excessive folder thx about this all
And it's keraz who twice asked me to send him XPQname on msn.
only kids like keraz could lie that bad.
Thanks MIss