pls disable callvote or remove bluecathedral,
why: everytime that map comes up some idiot wil vote rotate ! so 1 of
the 2 has to be removed ! personaly i hope the voting will be removed
because its useless
True + F1.
yes f1, when vote is failed, and server is full 14 ppl on that map is nice to play it :]
callvote sux, not only cos ppl vote on bluecathedral, but also they vote in mario map, and others...its just very anoying.
F1 removing callvote is ok, usually when someone does it I dont like the map either (example for bluecathedral) but its ok.
I vote f1 for option 2... always is good to have choice (callvote)... about bluecathedral, map is nice like map, but that annoying blue fog are destroying it and my eyes, too... my eyes start shaking and flashes, and yea i always vote f1 for rotating that map, because callvote allways show up rightly on it...
ye, remove vote, you don't want to play the map - you disconnect and let others join, who want to play that map, omg flashing eyes oh oh! fix your settings
admins should ask themselves why peoples call vote for bluecathedral?
Good side
1. its open map good for the strafe
2. many bfg jumps
3. good for rail.
Bad side
1. its too foggy. im too old for this
2. it makes memory lag especially for me (insufficient memory)
3. too big map bored at late night with few people.
4. next rotation is overkill, everyone press f1 for to play overkill.
5. Generally called vote 6-1 7-2 always passed... sometimes vote not passed but people does not play this map until end.
omg flashing eyes oh oh! fix your settings
yea, sure, np... i will ask somebody to barrow me one couple... maybe you will be so sweet to give me yours perfect ones?
E+ is imo not the game for big rooms with curves. (if you want my oppinion about it, i also hate mkexp and ermap3 - partially ospra3map1, because its a medium-large roomed map. (which is well structured and doesn't have so many curves.
i think e+ born for big maps (imo).. with nade and bfg jumps you can to cross full map in 30 seconds.. but if you are a camper ofc you need 20 minutes to cross the map... remove callvote