®AFC\\ DOK 2-0 EXTREME\\ 23/11/2010
1st map dok choice (q3dm7) 15_14
2nd map extreme choice (q3dm11) 10_9
thx 4 refing epsim8! (try this nick xD)
gg extreme, gg dok, rly nice game
close game
shit game. Doks i kill u , but later
wow so close (looking at score), but nice! nice present for crazy's b-day! gg
OMG guys yes! u gave me a nice present today ))))))!!
I felt it!
GG ALL, close uhuh
Thx epsim8! for ref

shit game. Doks i kill u , but later
look who talked, the 5 frags man. lmao

shit game. Doks i kill u , but laterlook who talked, the 5 frags man. lmao
U really stupid , or just idiot? Look at my time asshole
nice game :-]

shit game. Doks i kill u , but laterlook who talked, the 5 frags man. lmao
U really stupid , or just idiot? Look at my time asshole
I understand your actitute, mate.
Next nice game dok So now u have min 3rd place in cup
w8 epsi 4 the demos