I have come to report this guy he is allways in your servers cheating using an aimbot. One guy got a demo of him today im not sure if he sent it to you. Please if any admins see his name come in the server and watch him and get rid of him. He keeps ruining the game.
His tag is: AFGHAN.Dk
AFGHAN in black.
.Dk in red.
Thank you.
here ya go
<zip file removed to save webspace>
Omg another stupid moron. Is it the same guy as Afghan Blood?
htere are two from same ip
It would seem as though there are 2 of these jackasses. Not only to they cheat without denial, they also bash american & british players. I have dealt with one of them, and I plan to get the second.
These 2 morons have no honor what-so-ever.
The admins are aware of them. As an admin, I must thank you all for helping us keep track of these guys.
damn gibs wee both posted here at the same time wild

same ip
If they have same IP, then this should be an easy fix.
haha I got a story for yall lol
Yesterday he was aimboting so I kicked him and he came back saying why did you kick me? cause you know I am better than you? yeah guy what ever :roll: So I told him to stfu and go on and he said he would woop my ass I said no way cause i would rape him so we 1v1 on ctf1 (the map I am god at) :twisted: so he was ok thats cool
So with about 12 ppl spectating we played me vs him 1st to 8 wins so it starts off and he has decent accuracy so no big deal cause he doesnt have speed. So we played and he got RAPED big time 2-8 with me winning and I gaunleted him 6 times in the back without him seeing lmao
So in the end I told him "Yup I kicked you cause you are so much better than me"
lol he just left after that
GG slip ^^
So is he banned?