all year time weekend league

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Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic

how works league all year time weekend matches ? do mechanism
simply prepare server , for example duels with participants
here is big problem with cheating whats destroy all leagues and tournaments
to zero then nothing anymore
last living era was 2014 ten years ago then become break the anticheat system
whats this ? > system with demo and referee
cheating is here , but it is visible and proofable in demo file

we can create something like UEFA footbal , the disciplinary group commision

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: all year time weekend league

i have many ideas in my brain today

you all around the quake3 create teams with 4 members include captain

set properly referees in every match must be referee , create demo and do referee job

disciplinary commision for resulting cheat there have to be in - captains and some other people

rounds will be weekends all year time and next time if it does not be fiasco meaby continue

its now about disciplinary commision how work what is resulting , who is like who is against etc

win = 3 points , draw = 1 point , loose = 0 points , cheating = minus points (but not exit)

system of points before result in ban from league beacoz cheating so often like cards in footbal

cards , then red stop card , disciplinary commision verdicts are for example stop to 1 match

stop to 2 matches etc , but nobody ban the team complete so easy ,

cheat can be proof to only one member , or to all members of team , additional member draft

by that way you can sometimes win match with cheat but if disciplinary recognise it from demo

then you have loose points to minus , and meaby yellow card

in footbal is someting like play with hand , or play with foul , but this is not end of team in league

weekend television stream our lovely game meaby comentatore man and his partner