LIME forum gone.
but noone has posted there
yea for keeping alive these days u gotta create a spam topic sorry dude for what they did to u ( to delete lime )
We told you to not delete lime privat forum.
We please you, and now.. bah.

all ex limes where active on priv forums.
all limes that had acces:/
lime is pwnage! lime limons pwn all.. lemonade is nice too!
Yeah, this has annoyed me are really so bothered about space than keeping one of the greatest clans that this community has seen living? just because there is no tag in front of our names doesnt mean that we have stopped talking. We specifically told you that we don't want you to close it, so what was the point of asking? The fact that you delete Lime forum and keep GRC forum, is a point that is completely beyond me...think before you go around on a rampage deleting things which you shouldnt have the option of make this a pm but i think everyone should be aware, just incase their private forum just happens to go missing also.
many thanks
you know fellas...i think you are being too nice to the asshole who did this
till now all agreed with keeping this topic . Im not saying that im against it but i didnt saw last months(weeks or something else time is flying to fast for me ) any post there . . So dunno what u said about keeping this alive if u didnt take care (post thre ) cause not a forum keeps ppl in a group (imo) ..
But imo i don't think this was mechanic ( delete . eg. after 3 months of no post delete it ) cause i dont think it was the only one and others are up (cant give me to offend some1 and delete that one and btw i dont know that names ) so i think some1 did this . But now u can't turn back time .
So u can wait for the responsable for this ( if some1 did this and it wasnt mechanic to come and post : yes , i did it ) and after u say : why why and no more so i still dont get this point of this topic :roll: (an warning for not deleting the others clan forum ? )
all ex limes where active on priv forums.
I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every penguin that didnt wanna screw to save its species.