Autoshoot or not?
Ok I tell you something to that....( i hope u can understand because my english is bad ;D ). The Guy Named Bazooka <--me. Dont cheat, the one shot i did in the demo to the wall was lucky it was a fun shot. I played 6 years along Counterstrike and i know mutch about cheaters. I see alot of cheater on cs servers and i know that every non cheater player hate that guys but for a cs gamer it is normal to lame on walls you know? I swear you 100% that i´ll never been useing cheats in cs and q3.... The one shot in the demo is only a gl hf shot i can trust that. Please Understand me and my meaning for all that....when you want anything from me: config screenys demos or other things tell me and i give it to you.... so you can checkup everything about me and still remember that i never been on cheats....... please understand ............... I accept Mowly´s Arguments but please accept my Arguments and meanings too.....
thx youre bAzKa
that make me very worse..... that you say you push to late demo.....Its youre problem not mine.....I only can say that´s false what Mowly saying.
I only can say that´s not real that i cheat its a law.
Monty checkup only real things....remember.....
we need translation......
Free translation..A few languages listed.. check it out
no polish there
no polish there
sorry man.. I apologize...
Could you translate it in to english or some other language then use another translator to polish?
It is hard to find polish translators online and some other languages like Suomi (Finnish).
It is hard to find polish translators online and some other languages like Suomi (Finnish).
where is the NWC tag? you out?
Yup I just left.
Yup I just left.
Disagreement or ? PM if you want, or you can just tell me to mind my own business