Backwards grapple
9. October 2003 - 9:43
For some strange reason unknown to me my grapple suddenly started to grapple me to things behind me if im within 4 or 5 feet from them, even when i am aiming forward, any ideas would be greatly appreciated
9. October 2003 - 14:54
Backwards grapple
1. Maybe ex_grapplePullSpeed has a negative value?
2. Do you aim an teleporter?
If so and ex_teleport (xp_teleportMissiles for 1.0rc2) is enabled than all missiles (including the grapple) are teleported. So your grapple could land behind you and pull you back.
Pull speed set from 100 up to 2000 I always hook behind me. If I figure out what the setting error is, I will pass it along