*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
12. October 2006 - 21:55
1st map q3dm11 (FreezE): 27-3 *BBS*
2nd map q3dm7 (FreezE): 25-12 *BBS*
3rd map q3dm17 (TDM): 342-185 *BBS*
Gametype: FreezE, TDM
Timelimit: 15
Fraglimit: 0
12. October 2006 - 21:57
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
gg szkoda ze nei mogelm byc
12. October 2006 - 22:32
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
mnie tez nie bylo bo mialem cos waznego ale tak swoja droga niech inni sobie pograja bo HB to zaden przeciwnik
12. October 2006 - 23:28
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
13. October 2006 - 7:36
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
awww i cant come! thx for game BBS!
13. October 2006 - 11:32
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
did u forget cw time crow. where were u :twisted:
13. October 2006 - 14:49
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED
GoodGame GB and Tanks for the game!
13. October 2006 - 17:30
*BBS* 3:0 *HB*/12.10.2006/RANKED

GoodGame GB and Tanks for the game!
GB?hmmm... maybe HB?
btw gg both