- GameRank - Clan War
- GameType - TAG
- Date - 26.02.2008
- Time - 21:00 CET
- Players - 4v4 min 5v5 max
- PunkBuster - On
- Pure - On
- FriendlyFire - Off
- Server - BBSQUAD or WASP
Will be good to play:D We w8 for replay
[/]...Details later
np i think... but on tdm we have frendly fire.......we are nott noobs and its better to train with the real rules as they play i tournamnts/and shit
Where (IP Address) will this match be played? I was hoping to drop in and cheer for the Clan.
hf BBS and gl to wasp you are going to need it (:
dont let killer come he more than just cheers u on
here are some example of his cheering XD
"Go WASP machine!!!"
"Your on fire u WASP thing"
im just messing with u killer
but ya ur cheering was AWESOME
Please re-post the new CW details if BBS agreed to postpone the match.
Let's have sufficient notice so that members have NO excuse not to attend the Match.
To All Wasp Members: In the future, always try to visit the designated server prior to a FW/CW so that you can correct any Punk Buster or Pure Server issues that may occur.
SUCCESS favors those who are PREPARED!
ok THX
If something needed cal via MSN
Histroy :

PLUS = FOX Clan >> GSE Clan >> BBS Clan >> KTM Clan >> BURN* Clan >> BBSquad Clan >> MR Clan >> VENDETTA Clan >> OUT of gaming
RAIL = DUNNO Clan >> OF Clan >> PW Clan >> OUT of gaming