remove blue cathedral,dm14, and mario ...
about this first 2 i completely agree, but mario map rock!
maybe something like, each week rotation will change, and there will be two rotation.txt
so each week we will have diff rotation :]
1st week: same rotation as we have got now. (q3dm14, ermap3, 7++, ospra3map1, q3dm11, poq3dm5, cpm9, q3mexx1, 6++, bluecathedral, overkill, mario, bgmp4, mkexp, q3dm8, cpm14.)
2nd week: different rotation (the place of maps) and some new maps. (q3dm7, q3dm6remix, q3dm14, overkill, cpm14, cpm21, poq3dm5, ermap3, ospra3map1, bgmp3, pro-dcmap7, quarantine, q3dm11, ospdm5, imr3dm1, nodm6)
The map from 1st week and 2nd week:
7++ was changed to q3dm7
cpm9 was changed to cpm21
6++ was changed to q3dm6remix
bgmp4 was changed to bgmp3 (both maps alredy all users have as its in same pack)
q3mexx1 was changed to pro-dcmap7
bluecathedral was changed to quarantine
mkexp was changed to ospdm5
q3dm8 was changed to imr3dm1
mario was changed to nodm6
Thats the difference, there are 9 new maps.
The later in the 3rd week, rotation becomes again as in 1st week.
i think is very nice, but i might be wrong.
1st: why actually remove any map? There is /callvote nextmap for a reason.
2nd: why beer server has always to introduce always new things? Every new map added is like a punch to the server, the activity of server drops heavily until all lazy bastards have downloaded the maps.
From my side, i go for sure think about a solution, but not before in 2 weeks, HOLIDAYS. Mona and camel could help in this time for sure. Mona makes the decission, camel makes the things on server
oh, and dear equi, dm14 will not be removed for sure. This is monas map SHE IS THE BOSS
monaaaa any news ?
1st: why actually remove any map? There is /callvote nextmap for a reason.
2nd: why beer server has always to introduce always new things? Every new map added is like a punch to the server, the activity of server drops heavily until all lazy bastards have downloaded the maps.From my side, i go for sure think about a solution, but not before in 2 weeks, HOLIDAYS. Mona and camel could help in this time for sure. Mona makes the decission, camel makes the things on server
oh, and dear equi, dm14 will not be removed for sure. This is monas map SHE IS THE BOSS
1.i agree with mowly cause when you dont want to play the map then spec or callvote nextmap!
2. I wanna have 1++ back. Im anyways for a bigger map-pool. PLS put dm1++ back it was funny map. And i see no reason in taking out any map (even not dm11 )
It is getting boring with all the same maps always. Put new maps on the server and post all maps in a mappack here in forum where everyone can download it.
I gonna suggest mona a new rotation with at least 1 or 2 totally new map (at least not played on beer, yet) and bring back maybe some old maps, oh, and maybe, but just maybe remove blue cathedral.
My sugest is
DM 12
DM 13
DM 15 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fight for this map from long time and i want It on beer
and maybe DM14+
I vote for dm6remix instead of 6++ (at least temporary)! Good luck Beers!
lol @ dm19 :F watch attached demo xD
Mow I suggest that you put up a poll so all can vote for 2 maps that they want in and a poll for 2 maps they want out. Or whatever number of maps you want in/out. Timeline a week or so.