BEER.FREEZER Server updates June 2019
Here we go!
I am trying to renew this historical All-weapons Server.
I don't care of the results, it simply worth a try.
1) BEER.FREEZER is now running -> Q3e <- (New and up to date version of Quake 3, thanks to Cyrax).
2) 2 separate Rotations for FTAG and CTF mode.
3) A new advanced callvote system:
\callvote mode will show you 3 options: 1 Beer, 2 Borg, 3 Small Maps.
\callvote mode 1(or "beer") ==> PlusN cfg + maps Beer rotation for FTAG.
\callvote mode 2(or "borg") ==> E5r cfg + maps Borg pro's rotation for CTF.
\callvote mode 3(or "small") ==> Small Maps for small teams, it loads a special rotation.
\callvote maplist will show you 3 options: 1 Beer rotation, 2 Borg rotation, 3 Small Maps rotation.
So if you got it as above:
\callvote maplist 1 ==> Beer maplist.
\callvote maplist 2 ==> Borg CTF maplist.
\callvote maplist 3 ==> Small Maps maplist.
If you just type \callvote mode and press Enter, it will show you both options < beer|borg >.
4) Cheating? No problem, today we have something that this place was missing at the old good times. "-> Pureskill <-" (Thanks to Duch); you run it client side, it's embedded in your quake3 executable.
5) Server has now fast download for maps, set to 1mb.
My wish is at least to regroup some plusN players to have some good quality matches from time to time.
- q3dm11
- mkexp
- foolishlegacy
- tornado
- cpm14
- overkill
- jstrq3dm2
- q3dm7
- pro-q3tourney7
- ermap3
- q3mexx1
- q3dm14
- phantq3dm4
- mario
- q3dm8
- theatrumdoloris
- q3dm6
- rota3dm4
- cpm9
- poq3dm5
- eplus1
- psidm7
- 7++
- q3ctf1
- q3w4
- q3hockey
- q3wcp1
- q3wcp18
- q3w5
- q3wc8
- mkbase
- q3wcp14
- mapel4b
- q3wcp7
- x3map03
- q3wcp17
- q3w2
- q3wcp5
- q3dm3
- q3dm2
- q3turney4
- q3tourney3
- cpm3a
- tornado
- ts_dm5
- q3turney1
- q3dm5
- q3dm6
- pro-q3tourney7
- hub3aeroq3
- ztn3tourney1
- cpm15
- cpm1a
- mario
- q3tourney2
- q3dm1
- 13base
- bgmp4s
- cpm9
- ts_dm4
- reqdm5
- polo3dm5
- ospdm8
- ct3tourney1
- obs3dm5
- jstrq3dm2
Join our community Discord Channel and show people you are online!
Join here .
Have you lost your Quake 3? Are you lazy? or are you a new player?
You can get a ready and full quake 3 at this link -> ( Thanks to Shadowknight).
Just put your quake 3 config. file naming it autoexec.cfg and you are ready to play this mod!
Do you need Keyboard and mouse settings to play all-weapons cfgs?
Have a look at my old post: here
All plus, e5, ronly, ex plusN players are welcome!
I will keep this topic updated.
Vielen Dank Kersy
Yo Umbi,
Good one, I'll give it a shot if some people show up
I still believe we need to change the jumping mechanics from instant drop to little more air time that's my main concern, it doesn't feel nice to strafe around the map also you can only double jump when using a weapon or jumping off something other than that beer freezer is our home and im glad to see you bringing it back crazy.
im in best server of all time. and best plusN cfg

im in
best server of all time. and best plusN cfg
I agree, plusN is best... I'm willing to check it out on weekend ;)Weather forecast is just shait, so gonna have some spare time
Terror - play in QL, you even there NOOOB!!!!
Thibault Mate!! I'm glad to see you around
, missing your so smooth moves
. I think a good way to know who's up for some game or regroup is through discord channel, you find the invitation link above.
There anyone can stream messages to: @everyone, @excessiveplus
We will see how it goes
, I'll be up after work.
My ideas and content for E+:
- PlusN tips: How to set your keyboard & mouse
- Excessive Plus Future - Join Volunteers Team
- Excessiveplus stand alone project and ideas
.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©..DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.

Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!
Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid
Soft prendiamo i soliti? ok, 1 canarino e 3 ACE con ghiaccio