59 seconds n1
Here, Mad, is this better? Doc was sick and I had 100+ ping, 7-15 packetloss, and very very tired after working a 9 hour day. Excuses excuses.
hi heh me dont have BEST SCREENSHOTS EVER! maybe look this: :roll:
59 seconds n1
torzelan give me you demo me must see
wurm up
Also, to be more on topic, a sub-minute screen (with obligatory evil acc).
btw can u say me what i do wrong?
i ame in about 3 min. after it started so they were already at 20 frags or so.
After fragfest i decide to make "another one" for little train. After end this i can't feel my hand
It's the xXx bosses in action
nice "all weapon" try LNx
Here's mine:
same fraglimit, same map, managed to shave off about 4 minutes by having 1 gaunt kill instead of 180 (if you didnt use gaunt... we'd have an equal time )