Big Fat Dirty Problem here!
Here's the exact situation:
My friend and I just bought 2 brand new Q3 cds directly from Id soft.
We've played over internet together (he from his place, me from my house),
it worked fine. But as we live near to each other, we like to play some slick LAN DM together at my place, using my neatgear MR 814v2 router (and my friend brings his PC).
The router is connected to a 768K/s Cable modem.
: --> When we want to play together over the internet it does not work: If my friend connects first (and then he can play), and then I try to connect to same server, I get Mistyped_CD key message, and it won't connect.
If I connect first to a server, and my friend try to join, he gets an endless Awaiting_Chalenge message.
Worst, we cannot even play on different servers in the same time.
Super Worst!: I got banned from some server (Excessive Plus! FFA...) and
some strange things happened to the EX+ mod, like the crosshair disapeared (i get a big grey square instead)
I'm falling to nervous breakdown now!!!
I think i must come (the problem) from the router setup or maybe from ISP ?????
Can some1 help me pleazzzzz? I Wanna play!
update the router firmware (check first if there are known errors)
enable universal plug and play (upnp) on router setup.
problem is : pc1 connected port xxx is used - pc2 will connect port xxx is already in use.
moreover try to use static ip adresses like (gateway and dns server - normal the router ip)
yeah that should solve the problem. plus try getting the latest version of both q3 and e+ :roll:
ok thx guys! i'll try that at our next Lan DM