BIRD team
BIRD team accepts only birds, or ppl wishing to have birds skills.
So no one can join BIRD unless he likes my playing style and wish to learn it, or already have a similar one what is so so rare .
requierements :
- *develop a sharingan eye(know about the next enemy's move).
*develop a byakugan eye (know each enemy's position around u a T time).
*good sens(not sense ^^) for fast movements.
If you think, you have one of the requierements and can improve the other ones, then you are welcome.
But, I know no one will join...
...except if YOU wish to, yes YOU.
aim move spam
gl with this new 'team'
lets hope you don't come up against peter griffin... cos he rocks at killing birds.
lol Naruto ftw!!
can i join bird team. bird man
what about post demo how that bird (you) moves :
what about post demo how that bird (you) moves :
i second that
I want
After all, me was the inspiration for the original bird wings a year ago.
As your muse, Ali, i should be in your team
p.s. remember this? too bad this fuckwad Integral messed things up... guess who got him kicked from DA and banned from the e+ forums as a little cosolation prize?
And id like the Birdman name of "Redman" please
Excuse me as i kiss the skyyyyyyy
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane
It's the funk doctor Spock smokin buddha on a train
HOW HIIIIIIIIIIIGH? So high that I can kiss the sky
HOW SIIIIIIIIIIICK? So sick that you can suck my dick
Look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane
Recognize, Johnny Blaze, ain't a damn thing changed
HOW HIIIIIIIIIIGH? So High that I can kiss the sky
HOW SIIIIIIIIIICK? So Sick that you can suck my dick