bla bla bla
Really such a large clan not have 3-4 players concerned for league2013?
Maybe they are just too much
Large clan small potential

large cheat small brain
Cmon people, join for the lulz...
What do you have to lose?
Some funny games on a shitty config and laughing in TS
Think about it and let us know if atleast 3 / 4 people will want to have fun!

large cheat small brain
maybe you dont understand. 40 member in clan , none of them want play somethink else than Ql. It is fine if it fit your team. But it look silly. we Era will not play because it is boring. : Lol and zaxtor maybe you dont know but when people stalt insult means they dont got nothing to say. And your comment fits perfect to this words

large cheat small brain
maybe you dont understand. 40 member in clan , none of them want play somethink else than Ql. It is fine if it fit your team. But it look silly. we Era will not play because it is boring. : Lol and zaxtor maybe you dont know but when people stalt insult means they dont got nothing to say. And your comment fits perfect to this words
40+ players, all united, like brothers/sisters from another mother, a family. Its not only about games, its about staying together with nice people. thats what Elite'z are.
some may come, some may go, but are never forgotten. because everyone knows, they'll comew back one day.
btw for you knowledge, era isnt clan, era is Elitez rail addicts, mainly a team designed for those wishing to join, same as FoE, friends of elitez. and what they do, or dont do, shouldnt concern you. its something they want or dont want, and you're not the one to change theyr minds

large cheat small brain
maybe you dont understand. 40 member in clan , none of them want play somethink else than Ql. It is fine if it fit your team. But it look silly. we Era will not play because it is boring. : Lol and zaxtor maybe you dont know but when people stalt insult means they dont got nothing to say. And your comment fits perfect to this words
40+ players, all united, like brothers/sisters from another mother, a family. Its not only about games, its about staying together with nice people. thats what Elite'z are.
some may come, some may go, but are never forgotten. because everyone knows, they'll comew back one day.
btw for you knowledge, era isnt clan, era is Elitez rail addicts, mainly a team designed for those wishing to join, same as FoE, friends of elitez. and what they do, or dont do, shouldnt concern you. its something they want or dont want, and you're not the one to change theyr minds
Amen brother....
NO... seriously now... you are right Fiendsin! ELITE'Z is a really great clan, to sad that I'm to old for them. No one said that, that's only my opinion!
LoL Please, stop arguee Guys...
I'm in XD, even to just having fun in your Cup Bopoh , but I can't/won't push anyone to join too...
glista captured their souls