=Bloody= Clan is recruiting
=Bloody= is looking for some friendly people, who have fun by playing with rail
We don't need any superstar or gamer with 60%+ rail accuracy
We are just friendly clan with great atmosphere, but with lil'bit activity problems.
What do we expect from u?
-activity (mostly evenings),
-polite behaviour (especially on servers),
-working microphone
-and ofc not using any unofficial softwares to play (aimbots, wallhacks, autoshoots etc)
We don't look at our gameplay, we just have fun by playing q3
and we are searching for some1 just like we are
You think u can try?
So simply write in comments section below, send me pm or catch me on msn
u can find address in my profile.
Cheers, tr1ckz.
oO I thought all the time that you two were same guy xDD
nice avatar tricky!
gl looking for talent!
Haha ultra xD

We don't need any superstar or gamer with 60%+ rail accuracy