Borg Servers moved to Alternate IP for a while
Well, as lots of you probably noticed, Borgs servers were down in the last days.
The fact is — they were (and actually still ARE) under attack.
Somekind of VIP (very intelligent people) decided that it should be a nice idea to throw 70mbit of traffic on a game server, and that’s why Hammer and Taras quitted that for a while, to check if this would have result in stopping the attack itself.
Unfortunately, each time they tried to restart the servers, the attack restarted itself, and this was no longer endurable.
So, Hammer temporary moved the servers to another IP, giving him and Faster all the time to fix the problem and set up a working defense against those shitty attackers.
The new IPs are the followings: for Borg CTF for Borg Pro
Of course, we will let you know every update concerning this, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy our servers again, on the new IPs.
Best Regards.
The BorgTeam.
If there are some things that can be better , please let me know and i try to fix it
I will never understand such attacks. Those persons who make this attack should be castrated and feel ashamed about not respecting the property of others.
I putted also beer freezer on that other server becouse that was the main victim
do /connect
and ure hopefully on beer server
This will be also a temporarily solution , till we have our security ready on borg root