[bug?] Clan Arena g_gametype 7
I want to inform you that Clan Arena gametype is broken?
I've tested it on multiple configs.
When you go spectate ( normal / after dead ) and then re-join the game you can play and are not dead( it say's you need to wait till next round but you can play anyway ), however the game concideres you as dead so if you're the last surviving and the rest of your team died that round the enemy scores.
Can you please fix it.
old one.
It might be old skull, but then nobody was playing cw on ca... Now would be nice to have it fixed... just saying

It might be old skull, but then nobody was playing cw on ca... Now would be nice to have it fixed... just saying
in past it would have been nice to have it fixed too.
Instead we got another antiwh <3
I remember this bug was used once on cw PX vs AMG on CPM14 map, when one AMG member switched with another, he joined the game and was alive, I remember also that PX members were giving advices to other PX members still on the game that theres only 1 AMG left hunt it down, and suddenly 'style' that joined the game surprised one of the two PX killed him and the second one was killed as well, then we losse that round, If I remember correctly it happened on this CW: http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/r-c-a-l-1-2014-r1-amg-2-1-px
Before any AMG jump on me, notice that I am talking about the bug itself and not the clan.

I remember this bug was used once on cw PX vs AMG on CPM14 map, when one AMG member switched with another, he joined the game and was alive, I remember also that PX members were giving advices to other PX members still on the game that theres only 1 AMG left hunt it down, and suddenly 'style' that joined the game surprised one of the two PX killed him and the second one was killed as well, then we losse that round, If I remember correctly it happened on this CW: http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/r-c-a-l-1-2014-r1-amg-2-1-px
Before any AMG jump on me, notice that I am talking about the bug itself and not the clan.
We never knew about that bug until it was announced by Jeff, and we never intended to use it in any illegitimate way, and don't forget the amount of times you switched players during that match which resulted to the same.. where we only did it once and only because I was so tired and had to switch with another player specially that we made that after we took a time out,
With regards to your post http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/r-c-a-l-1-dunno-2-1-amground3-26-01-2014?page=6#comment-437517 and how you treated it, that can be an example of an admin with admin rights abuse.. because if topic needed to be locked and regulated, you shouldn't have added a new statement about a specific matter then announce it as locked for to gain the honor of last speech.. the way you dealt with it was wrong Camel, and such type of behaviors could be considered number 1 of what could cause a community to be rotten, same exact way how politicians are ruining our world under the license of politics.. and with regards to TEQ and KUPERON, I always ask them not to insult people as I hate that behavior really, but I usually see your comments are forwarded to me and with my ideas not them, if you think they are x-cheaters and not treated properly, that is not my fault! it is rank moderators and those which are in charge with that! and the fact they were but not are now makes you be the one at fault by annoying them with the idea, anyway and after all, what I was talking about is far far away from this case of them both.. but keep linking my claims with what happened at the AMG vs PX that is not the proper way to deal with it either.. I don't respect cheaters me myself as well as admins with admin rights abuses.. cheaters to me are even less sinful.. if you didn't luck the thread with the excuse of it needing to be regulated, I were not to respond to you, but the way you dealt with it made me respond to you now specially how you still speaking about that same match specifically us while there are many other examples.
With regards to the issue Jeffer speaking about, the fact that once the player joins and still considered as dead while able to move is right! because once all other team members are dead a point counts for the other team.