k i give up, this mod seemed cool at first, but it seems people are too frustrated about new people coming to their mod. today i got kicked again and im already banned from a few servers. i have the fucking proof that all this shit is unjustified, yet people dont give a shit. well. then i'd have to say: FUCK excessive +. This way the mod will never get bigger.
P.S and for tumok, if u dare at least lol, come face me on ra3 where the real magic happens, fucking retarded frustated nooblet
Im sorry to hear this since more good players are needed in e+
Oh man... Im very sorry
Who is this tumok? I have never seen this guy..
wee told you the server too play in y dont you go to bro severs or any clan severs forget the server that u played in all the good people are in other need to stop playing epluss because of some one we dont know :roll:
Genide...i msn'ed up dont be too rash, like saint said...its good to get more quality players in the mod !
hey don't give up ... first try to meet these cool ppl in e+, forget about morons, there are many of them around as everywhere ... if it is here in e+ so bad as u think ... why do u think are we all still here?

k i give up, this mod seemed cool at first, but it seems people are too frustrated about new people coming to their mod.
This is not true Genide, if you read the many posts on this forum you will see that we are the best community in the world when it comes to helping players.

then i'd have to say: FUCK excessive +.
I understand frustration but do try to be professional about it.

come face me on ra3 where the real magic happens
Before I came to ExcessivePlus, I played RA3 when it was still a beta. I continued to play RA3 for several years before getting frustrated with the way the MOD was going. You say F**K excessive +, I say that the real magic in RA3 died several yeas ago. I didnt give up on RA3, I moved on!
I can say that the best players here in E+ can pound the best players in RA3 and vice-versa. You tell me how much different RA3 is from E+?
Sometimes I find myself playing RA3 once 'n' awhile and I still see the same st00pid stuff over and over again. Not too long ago I saw several players get kicked by vote because thier names were not cool. Guess what, it happened to me also!!
Sarasota and many others here gave you advice and we told you that we have no idea who Tumok is. If you give up, it is because you are not willing to take the time to try the advice given.
Should you stay, then we welcome you here. If you decide to leave for good, do so respectfully!
Click on the PIRATE FLAG to visit my server.
^Yeah your name is kinda odd I loved the old 1 lmao reguritatedgiblets rotflmao
blame tumok. he's ruining this mod