i have seen some awesome names on mine, even though my name isnt origianl or funny or anything it relates to a joke nickname my mate gave me (dark lord tucker) tucker being my real surname.
anyway i wouldnt mind at all changing my real name to D*S*H DARKLORD TUCKER haha,
would any of you guys do the same?
I don't think so, how would it look if I gave you a business card with the name 1337w4r3z López LOL no way.
Knut Ogre sounds silly, so no, dont think so..
meny people in real life caling me HQ, i like that much, that two leters hawe lots of ideology and thing that ben im doing in life.
Being called Gibs or Giblet in real life is quite funny for me.
I actually enjoy hearing that. I got my name from playing warhammer 40K. After every battle I had to imagine what all the carnage on the battlefield would have looked like.
Because I always had a box-o-bits with me, if my squad was blown up, I would replace my figures with bits of bloody body parts! :twisted: Arrrr har har har...arrrrrrrr...
There is also a song by Carcass called Regurgitation of Giblets. Hence my other name RegurgitatedGiblets
My RL name is already taken by that guy taht used to be in NPC but I think he went to EVOL then went AWOL
Linus (Linuz)
btw. have anybody seen Linuz past months? ... he got lost
hey Giblet you listen to cool bands Carcass and Obituary are two of my fav bands ever, too bad that Carcass splitted and the new band Archenemy don't have the same feel they used to have, I also enjoy cannibal corpse and bands like Cradle of Filth .
Patrick Anemic would sound pretty weird. I'm afraid ppl would pity me and start handing over some of their blood.
Oh, and to keep off-topic... I really liked Arch Enemy to the time of Burning Bridges, but unfortunately haven't listened to Carcass yet
I think CoF are here in 2 weeks, just got to move my lazy ass to get the tickets
Catamenia anyone?
Yup Catamenia I have their 3 last albums Eternal Winter's Prophecy, Eskhata and ChaosBorn and looking for the first two.
BTW Patrick Anemic if you are type O+ I can donate some blood .
carcass rock, so do most death metal bands, you should all check out akercocke, band from london my favourite band, my band is shaping up nice, if i get an mp3 online i'll drop the link here.
actually saw a guy with a cool quake name
DEICIDE :twisted: