Me and G-ray had a talk after viewing the demo i made of afghan blood aimbotting
and we decided that enough is enough, there are too many cheaters, this thread is all about airing them, that way everyone is able to look out and can come back and decide wether they are a cheat or not, there is too much accusation false and true getting mixed up, i went on a server and saw someone keeping on at hq, i see why he was so annoyed at me when i questioned him, though i was prooved wrong it annoyed me that these guys were almost taunting hq, and hq was honourable and kept his cool, i didnt though i tole them where to go.
any enough rant, this is this, if you suspect someone of cheating say nothing to them, come here and ask, that way we can all look out for them and demo them so there is evidence, post the demo here then admins can ban them, if it is someone like hq then we can helpfully say, no he is not cheating.
this way we can stop annoying accusations which even i have had and we can start getting rid of cheaters too. what you guys think?
Good effort Darklord
There is another thread already about cheaters. This thread deals with banning them from servers. It's more for the admins but here is the link anyway.
we dont give a ffffffffffff...................few seconds to think that there is other forum for it ...... so if u have cheaters to report.......gogo......
yep very true....any info about cheaters is valuable....
but do you not think it does make sense to have it in one place.....?
we could end up with more and more threads....then it waters down its effect.....
1 place, bigger list, more power to combat cheats....and indeed cheaters
We don’t want to end up with a forum full of cheat posts do we ?
Here is a fun trick to play on cheaters. If they don't have the full mod (most don't). Create a name, with quake name tool in excessiveplus folder. Make sure you have extended ascii characters. Now, anyone playing on server without the full mod will be unable to control thier character when you type anything. To target an individual (if many players don't have full mod) type /tell 4 asshat! in console ( after seeing that they are player 4 on status). This is a fun way to make cheaters with out full mod lose player control!
:twisted: cool :twisted:
Oh god guys !
Haven't you ever heard about PUNKBUSTER ? Haven't you ever played other mods ? For example InstaUnlagged ? OMG ! Register servers with punkbuster. PB kicks all cheaters . But as I can see that you have some kind of pb but it is just non standard charecters and those things. Cmon, register at and you will ever see cheaters

PB kicks all cheaters
Not always.
PB has also been known kick admins from there own servers.

Cmon, register at and you will never see cheaters
If Even Balance would get off thier lazy asses and fix the lag PB causes plus the many errors it has, then PB would not be a problem. I have done a lot of research on both the good and the horrible bad that PB has caused. You'd be amazed...
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using PB...but I also see the BS that PB has with it. PB is not the most user friendly program.
good effort, im sick of these guys wrecking my mood, cheaters must be thought arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
anyway if anyone has quieres or suspects someone, drop the name and the server you saw them on here or on the other good thread and hopefully we can get them off the servers and they'll get bored and bother someone else haha.
oh yeah the demo is of afghan blood on the bro rail server, worst server to have aimbot on lol.
thanks gib