cheater or not?
As others have pointed out, it's difficult to judge something without the demos, or at least you shouldn't have replaced the audio for some music, even if it's nice .
Based on the demo only I would say that there are high chances for a wallhack, but I would discard aim correction.
It cloud be he have focused on sound and trying to predict every step of the enemy, but aiming directly to the target trough a wall, what for? it is far easier to aim to the location where the enemy will show up rather following enemy trough a wall…
That is the main thing that makes me think about wallhack, on 2:17 and 3:41. Also, on 4:05 he knew the position of the enemy too well to be based only on sound, and having teammates with rails pretty close, but it still can be done with good headphones. The shot on 5:21 is quite suspicious, but only if the rail was not visible when the door opened. In 2:56, the reaction is pretty fast but still doable.
And about the flick shot on dm6 at the bridge, the flick shot is completely possible, but after the flick shot there is tiny and really fast aim correction, because after the flick he would miss the target somehow in a few nanoseconds crosshair jumped exactly at the center of the hitbox o0
This correction is visible in slow-motion pretty clear, but on normal speed it looks like just a jerky aiming.
That is perfectly possible when you don't have clear where the enemy is, you even have a similar shot by marcus on ko2 video on dm7.
yep, cheat
wrote:He 100 % cheats and i think his name starts with S.- I know who it is... Skullhead xDD X'D
I guess U are joking. It's not Skull for sure cause it is not his gamestyle. Also Skull shots slower.
i think all shots are possibles. send sound or demo please.
in dm14 he follow the enemy trew the wall and rail him after he knows when the enemy comes out.
in dm14 i want say to 90 % wallhack...
so who is it and we see then i think more demos for proof...
Appears like: 98% cheater, 2% turbo-lucky camper, most probably of eastern european origin
i am surprised that so many people here say he follows enemys through walls when he clearly does not: he moves his crosshair to the predicted reappearencepoint (after he saw parts of the enemy moving in one direction), especially on dm14
Please don't accuse skullhead or other players, you don't know who it is yet !!
btw clear wh
the thing is that when u do hear enemy u will aim the place where enemy will show up, not just following the enemy trough a wall
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