Clan Arena Tourney..?
I would like to kick off a tourney for clan arena to
1) raise awareness for this g_type (hey its fun!)
2) stir up some competitive spirit
3) create an additional focal point for having a communial laugh (it can be taken as serious as each player wants it to be).
It would be 3v3 and a list of rules/map pool/servers etc can be drawn up (by democracy) if enough want to take part...
so who's up for it?
if enough how soon? one week? two / three weeks time?
I had in mind to organise such a tourney inside of the American Ranking when the next season starts (july 1st). I'd be willing to participate in such a tourney for sure! If your field could meet the one I was looking at (american clans), maybe we could setup something together!
Up to you mate!
F1 for clanarena gametype
ca also doesnt has the annoying spawn bug.
F1 for the idea
ca is a bit more about luck with the spawns... unless you have ctf style spawns where teams spawn on opposite sides of the maps
i vote for 1flag gametype.
ca also doesnt has the annoying spawn bug.
really? it would be nice if freeze worked like that
Im on GO! :thumbright:
i vote F1 for all gametypes different than Tag Tdm Ctf Ffa and 1v1...
CA cup would be cool
that wasnt an option, the choices are yes or no, and if its no then no point in posting...