Clan Members Wanted!!! Alive:D!!!
Hey guys and girls, we are recruting brand new members to the resurrected, revitalized OOC Clan. Our main goal is to achive top-notch performance on clan wars and mind-blowing progress of every single clan member. We are deeply determined to pursue our goals. Pure dedication is what separates the men from the boys. Ok let's cut this bullshit and get straight to the point. Basically we are looking for the meanest motherfuckers around, sharp-shooters, railgun freaks, all-rounders , above all hardcore players who use their brains more than 10 times per...let's say 20 frags . If you think you meet all our requirements, you have the balls to take up the challange, strong will to achive mastery in handling railgun, dont hesitate!!!, sign up a test today!!!