Clans and G_Type
12. May 2005 - 17:22
I'm posting this because I'm still somewhat of a newb to this forum and I haven't gotton to know everyone here.
We're looking to know what clans play CTF, TDM and any other type of style here in E+. Also, what style CFG as well because I guess there are at least two out there (Bro and Edy's).
12. May 2005 - 21:13
Clans and G_Type
Freeze!! gametype 8, only edy and bro configs really matter, majority use bro.
13. May 2005 - 6:53
Clans and G_Type
I believe that I was just on a server with the Bro cfg. Am I mistaken when I noticed that there is no nade movement off walls?
Not sure I rarely play strict bro configs but always play on servers with weapon jumps for most weapons. Most severs use their own varitaion of the bro config, with the instagib rail.
I believe that I was just on a server with the Bro cfg. Am I mistaken when I noticed that there is no nade movement off walls?
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