clan/team names
there's been some copie paste going on so i give you ( for those who didnt know ) a .txt file with all clans registered with codes !
copied: -C4-
[clan]Croatian National Team[/clan]
[clan]District 9[/clan]
[clan]great britain team[/clan]
[clan]Machine Gun Commando[/clan]
[clan]rus rail dm17[/clan]
[clan]Machine Gun Commando[/clan]
[clan]the blood brothers clan[/clan]
Spartan u rock _O_ xDDD
[clan]dangerous 4[/clan]
and the difference between this and clan database is ?
you try to get back the old clandb layout with A to Z categories ? ( the older website)
this is useless anyone cleanup please?
good time wasted man next time get all forum users and sort them by nick or country (ufas would love that
clanbase > clandb
ahaa!! ok i got ya now
tx yes my post was wasted
Edit: 1 line deleted, saw my first post wasnt realy clear sorry
i show you the diffrence when posting a link from clandb and with the code on
copied: F2B
think that youre post is a wast of time