Clanwar :: Brain Eaters
Greetings WASP2 pals,
This is an offering for a clanwar match (for rank).
Time: September 30th 2007 at 8PM East Time.
Matchtype: Rankwar
Gametype: Freeze Tag
Players: Minimum 4 vs 4
Timelimit: None
Scorelimit: 15
Server: HK Clan Server (as Killer asked)
Password: Later.
Maps: Later.
(Tie-Map): Later.
Friendly Fire: Disabled
Punkbuster: Enabled
Pure Server: Enabled
Please, feel free to ask any changes to the current rules above. We will post the answer as soon as possible to anything you ask. Killer and I talked about a two out three game. It means both sides will have to choose a map. Killer proposed that tie-map be DM14.
Dissonance we accept your Clan War challenge with some modifications. We may be willing to play on Saturday, 29 Sept (as you wanted) IF we get to set the time (a time that still works for BE).
# Date: Saturday, 29 Sept or Sunday, 30 September
Date will be finalized by 16 September.
# Time: TBA (will be finalized by 16 September)
# Server: HK Clan Server
# Matchtype: Rankwar
# Gametype: Freeze Tag (2 of 3 maps)
# Password: Via PM and MSN
# Players: 3 vs 3 (min) - 4 vs 4 (max)
# Timelimit: 0
# Fraglimit: 15
# Config: plus
# Maps: (1 to be chosen by each clan by 16 Sept)
# (Tie-Map): DM14
# Friendly Fire: OFF
# Punkbuster: ON
# Pure Server: ON
# Camp Protection: ON (Yes, we know this is not COMMON in a CW but we stipulate this)
Oh and Dis... SAY ur prayers!
Isn't DM6 supposed to be official tie breaker according to rank rules? Or are there exceptions? At least that is what I heard, not sure dunno.

Isn't DM6 supposed to be official tie breaker according to rank rules? Or are there exceptions? At least that is what I heard, not sure dunno.
If it is (DM6) then that's what it will be. I'm a noob when it comes to CW rules. Term please advise.
Historically, from my previous experience, DM6 would be the tie breaker when a map can not be agreed by either opponents.
Perhaps it would be best if you contacted Foksie or Rena.
You can use what ever map you wanna.
I'm looking forward to this CW against WASP2 (North America is inconsistent with CW's so I'm hungry as ever)!!
May the best clan win

Dissonance we accept your Clan War challenge with some modifications. We may be willing to play on Saturday, 29 Sept (as you wanted) IF we get to set the time (a time that still works for BE).
# Date: Saturday, 29 Sept or Sunday, 30 September
Date will be finalized by 16 September.
# Time: TBA (will be finalized by 16 September)
# Server: HK Clan Server
# Matchtype: Rankwar
# Gametype: Freeze Tag (2 of 3 maps)
# Password: Via PM and MSN
# Players: 3 vs 3 (min) - 4 vs 4 (max)
# Timelimit: 0
# Fraglimit: 15
# Config: plus
# Maps: (1 to be chosen by each clan by 16 Sept)
# (Tie-Map): DM14
# Friendly Fire: OFF
# Punkbuster: ON
# Pure Server: ON
# Camp Protection: ON (Yes, we know this is not COMMON in a CW but we stipulate this)Oh and Dis... SAY ur prayers!
Ok Dissonance, It's Sunday, 16 September so we should get the details nailed down for the CW. Per my quote I would like to set the match for the following:
Date: Saturday, 29 September (will be Sunday for some WASP2 members)
Time: GMT +10 (1:00 AM Sunday EST; Midnight Sunday CST (also Veracruz); 11:00 PM Saturday MST; 10:00 PM Saturday PST; 5:00 AM Sunday Lisbon; 4:00 PM Sunday Sydney)
EST = US Eastern Standard Time (i.e., New York/Miami)
CST = US Central Standard Time (i.e., Chicago/Dallas)
MST = US Mountain Standard Time (i.e., Denver/Phoenix)
PST = US Pacific Standard Time (i.e., Los Angeles/Seattle)
Maps: In deference to the late match (although I see all BE members playing at that time of night) BE gets to choose both maps.
Tie-Map: Q3DM11
Let me know how this works for BE. ALL WASP members please PM me and tell me whether you can make it or not.
NOTE: Only BE and Wasp members allowed on the server during the match and all must be using their respective Clan Tags. Hint to Wasp members, join the server with your Official Clan tag in place.
By the name of god of frag I will pray
And kill for him.
Camp protection, totally agree! For the time, we'll let you decide and get back to you if fine for all of us.
:: eXcessiveplus america ::