compatibility of versions
I installed a version 1.04 beta6 to create a files .add. but now to connect to me all it is necessary to install the same version.I saw that other servers had set a beta 6 too, but to the players, getting an update is not required...(For Example: open box megarail)
how to do that other players are not necessary it was to get an update
(at my server) : :
Noway with 1.04beta server, because this version is compatible to itself and to *modeless* players only. So your players are required to update or remove excessiveplus.
As for OPEN BOX and some other servers with TSU mark, it's 1.03 modified version servers which just support connecting with 1.04beta and do not provide any features of version 1.04.
I can email it to you, but you will not find there the support for .add files. Still need that?
Rus: Panda, ti mozesh skazat' kak modificirovat' 1.03 4tobi ja cmog zagruzit' faili .add. Mozet ti otvetish mne pm esli ne hochesh vsem rasskazivat' kak eto sdelat'... ( faili . add ja sdelal s pomosh'ju qfrag moda i smog zapustit' ih na versii beta 6) nadejus' ja vsetaki smogu ih zapusti't, s tvoei pomoshju, razumeetsa))
Eng(translate): Can you tell me, how to modify v1.03 to set the .add files.
May be you will answer me to PM if you don't want to tell all about this...( i make files .add with qfrag mod & can run it at 6 beta).
I hope that i can run it at 1.03 certainly with your help))
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