connecting to the BEER FREEZER server..
hello ,, Why can I not connect to the server ,, only awaiting challenge... ,, a month back was not problem.. ,, I change cd key ,, not working.. ,, another server is no problem..
I specifically tried to come, everything is fine, the problem seems to only you
you EUGEN play only rail ,, can me answer anybody else??
I'm telling you that I was able to go to BEER server without problems, I think it does not matter how I play cfg for that would connect with the server check, and come to the conclusion that your problem q3, but not with the server
long ago I had the same thing on the server rus freeze, problem solved itself, try to change the name, if it does not help mb cd-key
I change CD-KEY ,, and name ,, not working ,, I will kill all people on this server ,, but I can't!!
I on your place would reset quake, it takes five minutes, than to try to solve a problem that may take much longer, if you need I can give a link to a clean q3
clean?? you mean no cheat software?? ,, how I can so play?? it's a joke!! ok ,, give link..
clean without extra mods)