connection problem (help please)
If u realy wanna see some help, then create topic with proper name
I changed it foru u now people maybe will notice it faster and help u.
have u tried to reinstall whole q3?
a thought just popped on my mind...what do u have at xp_onexit?
com_zonemegs com_hunkmegs ??
reinstall it too now if u have the problem...
though i think it has something to do with the network...
msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseServerMessage: read past end of server message");
is some source shit i found about q3...but i am not that into programming so i am not really sure
to where it leads
possible solutions:
1) TRY cl_shownet 0.....
2) Edit your q3config.cfg from baseq3 folder, make
it 0 bytes and make it read-only, which basically delete whole inside of the q3config file!
yeap delete everything in q3config from baseq3 folder, save it and under propertiers change it to read only!
Your PC is clearly communicating something to you - maybe the spirits of your ancestors use it as a medium, or maybe it's some sort of rogue AI, nested in the bowels of your rig. The message seems to be simple: you must undertake a self-imposed exile. You must trek across Africa, eating only what you can hunt, drinking only water, wearing what you have on yourself when you leave the house. You must atone for sins past, my friend. Only when you return, a ragged, but oddly, purer, version of your very own self, will you be able to rest easy while enjoying a round of your favourite multiplayer distraction.
loool mad <3
Your PC is clearly communicating something to you - maybe the spirits of your ancestors use it as a medium, or maybe it's some sort of rogue AI, nested in the bowels of your rig. The message seems to be simple: you must undertake a self-imposed exile. You must trek across Africa, eating only what you can hunt, drinking only water, wearing what you have on yourself when you leave the house. You must atone for sins past, my friend. Only when you return, a ragged, but oddly, purer, version of your very own self, will you be able to rest easy while enjoying a round of your favourite multiplayer distraction.
oooO hell dude, I would throw this pc out of a window :E
the problem is that your quake 3 client doesn't receive the "end_of_message" byte that is always sent by the server in all the communication messages .. and if somehow he doesn't receive it, then your getting this error.
aa you might wanna stop your firewall and other network filtering programs .. i think its something related with packetloss? can some1 confirm?
i dont think that cl_shownet 0 will change anything.
u say this happens Only when you use qconnect.exe and not in norml game ?
are you using an administrator account user?
what operating system do you have? what windows ? 32/64
i reinstalled all q3 like 3 months ago.
xp_onexit ""
there are was "screenshotJPEG",but i dont need it.