Constant Connection Interruptions

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Nitrostatic's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

hey guys, my friend was having some weird problems with his connection and I was hoping you'd be able ot help out.
Here's what he said:
" argh i have a big problem on Q 3 ,
there is too much connections interrupted and the game gets unplayable !!!!!!
is there any thing to fix this ?
(i'm playing in 1.32 version if it can helps )"


"imply my movements are interupted (stoped) and i wait arround a few 0.25 seconds
and then i can play again ... (it's ahrd to explain in eglish)

that's doing this :
I move , it stop , i can move again , i cant move , it stop , i move , it stops , i'm killed , i don't see anything , i die ... lol always this i can't explain anymore, this is not a lag"

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Constant Connection Interruptions

is his antivirus prog running a scan? i have that probs than. or does a other process take much power?

than cl_maxrate 15000-25000?
...... snaps 60-100
........cl_maxpackets 60-100