Converting an older cfg to the newer format

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Joined: Feb 2005

Whats up everyone old player here I have just recently set up a server for my friends and I to fart around on. Upon looking through some old flash drives I found I had the config for the old )NWC( CTF server. So I set up my server to run it....and it doesn't work.
Wondering if anyone could help me convert it to the newer format the configs use. I'm trying but I'm going cross eyed and I'm certain there are things I'm missing.
If any are interested I'll upload it.

The Dial Up Pro

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Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Converting an older cfg to the newer format

If you see the difference in both formats, I don't think its possible to just "convert" it and play with the same experience. The easiest way is to use older e+ version (1.4) server and load old config on it. As far as I remember, you can play on v1.4 server with v2.0 client.

Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603