Correct Bans.txt format

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Joined: Aug 2008

Okay if I have followed the instructions correctly this should work and it doesn't seem to be:

Server.cfg (contains)
xp_bans "bans.txt"

bans.txt (contains)
Name {
"^4The ^1Doctor" {
IP: ##.###.###.##
Reason: "You are NOT 'The Doctor'!"

" " { Reason: "Please use a name!" }


* Yes replace the ## with actual numbers Happy

Based on the first check - shouldn't anyone coming into the server with a matching color coded name, NOT from that IP, have a message displayed to them that says (You are NOT The Doctor) and not be allowed into the server?

It's not working Sad

Joined: Aug 2008
Correct Bans.txt format

Whew quick replies around here - very nice Thinking

Anyways - got it figured out - one example was incorrect showing to use double quotes, it should be * surround the name ... secondly color codes in names don't matter, wish there would have been a slightly better 'note' on doing name banning / protection. So

Name {
*The Doctor* {
IP: ##.###.###.##
Reason: "You are NOT 'The Doctor'!"

The above is what it should be - replace # with the IP numbers Happy ... works great, even changing your name while in the game instantly bans you. Happy