Cow is a CHeTah ?
Guys we have been following this guy for a long time. Please take a look at this and judge if he is using wallhack .. kouse is a doubt not only in one player .. many think the same but we have no proof till now
So enjoy
I smell.... *CHEATS*
This was really interesting, since i've never seen a wallhack until viewing this demo. Unlike the person who recorded the demo (who apparently owns a wallhack, else the demo they recorded would not be showing one), I had to base my movements on AUDIO rather than those little yellow crowns. I use good quality Zalman surround sound headphones and enough volume to hear the hum of a rail distinctly at 10 paces. I am impressed that I was able to track a lot of movement pretty well by just using my ears--though some not so well.
I am very offended that someone would call me a cheat, it seems crazy to me, reminiscent of the paranoia that surrounded gaming prior to punk buster becoming standard on most servers. As always I would be willing to go to any PB Enabled server to demonstrate that I have no wallhacks or cheats of any kind. My $0.02 worth is this: despite the lag and nuisance factor, Punk Buster being enabled at leasts gets away from accusations of this sort. It allows good players to play without being accused of being a bot, cheat, hack. It is extremely difficult to defend oneself against such charges--charges that rely heavily on how people feel or whether or not you "smell" like a cheat. I've been playing this game since it came out, and have logged over 2000 games of XP. It seems rather unfair and abusive to be banned from some servers for being too good "too soon".
I would urge that more XP servers consider enabling punkbuster--at least people can relax and start enjoying the game again, and stop wondering if someone is cheating.
the command is \wallhack <rconpassword>
Thanks Roll, I saw elsewhere in this topic that in excessive plus you can make a demo showing a wallhack without actually having a wallhack. I did not mean give the suggestion that I was questioning your integrity. I know some admins prior to PB collected a "zoo" of cheats and hacks to use for comparison with suspected cheats. I'm still relatively new at this mod, and haven't read the manual yet.
Incidently (and since it would appear that I won't have the chance to say it to you on the server), I've learned a lot watching you, and thank you for it. From my perspective, these accusations and the subsequent ban appear very much like a witch-hunt. I expect from your perspective, however, that you have done what you thought was right, based on your observations and concerns. I do believe all cheaters should be banned from play with honest folks, but I am rather unhappy to be sacrificed unjustly for that ideal.