CPMA.cfg | 20110703

13 replies [Last post]
smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009

Here's CMPA server config originally written by (HK)RATSALAD (and modified by wasp*beast and rrm::illca).

Current version: 20110703 (03 Jul 2011)


-fix: compatibility to e+ 2.2a;
-add: CA uses now scoring system like in OSP;
-chg: instead of annoying option StartWeapon = WP_ROCKET CA has now startWeapon = WP_LAST_USED;
-chg: FTAG has now completely different settings than CA (in prev version FTAG was like CA with thawing) based on experience from playing FTAG in cpma 1.48; new e+ option 'score penatly' makes it even closer to cpma: losing team is thawed, winning team is NOT;
-chg: shotgun settings updated to what can be seen in e+ changelog.

-chg: restored setting cpm physics when gameplay hasn't been specified correctly (either cpm or vq3);
-chg: changed default amount of rockets for CA and FTAG: 25 -> 50;

-fix: vq3 physics (set to no_ramp_jumps);
-fix: mistyping in poweruprespawn validation :/;

-add: item, weapon, powerup and health restoration upon new round (FTAG and CA).

-chg: updated cfg title and cfg file name according to ali's note;
-add: validity check for 'poweruprespawn' var (should be 30..120 secs), if value exceeds range - reset to default (90 secs).

-chg: default value for weapon respawn (30->15 sec - seen on several russian cpma servers and this is default in CPMA/OSP 1.46 (26 Apr 08));
-add: support for 'weaponrespawn' cvar (as in cmpa mod) which sets weapon respawn time for all game types except CTF, RTF, 1FCTF and FFA;
-add: support for 'poweruprespawn' cvar (as in cmpa mod) which sets powerup respawn time for all game types except 1VS1, CA, FTAG;
-add: support for 'footsteps' cvar (as in cmpa mod) which turns footsteps on/off.

-fix: obvious mistyping at L:C 126:14 (modifiItem);
-fix: parameter names in weaponTime topic (adjusted with 2.0a);
-fix: regenFactor parameter transormed to Regen Factors topic (adjusted with 2.0a);
-fix: suit factor parameter ransformed to Suit Factors topic (adjusted with 2.0a) (direct is 0.25, splash is 0 - according to beast's note);
-chg: pellet count for shotgun updated to 16 (according to beast's note);
-add: support for 'gameplay' cvar (as in cmpa mod), which accepts values 'cpm' or 'vq3' or '' (empty) (empty is automatically replaced to 'cpm'). you can set this cvar in your server start script or in cmdline. cfg will set corresponding physics.

one can add mentioned cvars to the xp_vote list to make them voteable (if a cvar's value is changed you will have to restart map for changes to take effect).

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.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: CPMA server config for E+ 2.0a


I have a comment about the name of the cfg file :

  • the file name is a bit long and not easy to type for server admins : cpma_xp20a.cfg should be renamed simply to cpma.cfg.
  • and the name ingame is sooooo long : ^1C^7PM^4A ^7version ^320100424^7: A thorough emu by ^1(HK) ^0RATSALAD

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: CPMA server config for E+ 2.0a

thanx for comment, ali. i'll change both to meet your advice Happy

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

candyman's picture
Joined: Aug 2010
Re: CPMA server config for E+ 2.0a

one question... i try on mi3 public server on clan arena but items don't appear.. there is some command like under plusn? no items no health no nothing

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: CPMA server config for E+ 2.0a

one question... i try on mi3 public server on clan arena but items don't appear.. there is some command like under plusn? no items no health no nothing

CA doesnt have any items. In quake, it's special cos you start with all weapons and have no items Happy


nonsense repellent declamatory

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20100705

too much e+ freeze Big grin
i wonder when will CA will come into e+ ?? cause the strategies and tactics will be/should different ...

after you die you die till the next round!

smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20100705

exactly, CA hasn't any weapons, power-ups and ammos placed on maps Happy
you respawn having 100 hp, an armor, all weapons and enough ammo to take out the whole opponents team Tongue

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20101101

CA on e+ would be pointless, it's basically a more boring version of freeze tag. It doesn't work well because you die so fast as opposed to how it's played in QL. At least in tag you can get thawed if you died to some random spam bullshit, but considering how spammy and random e+ gameplay is, i don't think it's worth to consider CA as a viable gametype.

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20101101

depends on the config mad.

somebody up for writing a ql config?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20101101

i wanted but since i have neither pro nor premium there, i can't Big grin

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

candyman's picture
Joined: Aug 2010
Re: CPMA.cfg | 20101101

Uploaded on our server MI3 clan arena public