:: Croatian National Team ::
I started mission impossible, creating CRO national team like SWE. Bath I must try a shoot. We in history was allways devided... until 1991. All people with Croatian passeport is wellcome. Rulles for team is simple, be a nice, polite and brave!
I please all Croats to join our national team. This team is not official clan ! Intention is forming national team for World Cup ! And good is to knowing who is from our country. Well, that is like in the sport: club is not oposite national team. So my country guys sign in.
>>-Take look here->
Have nice day.

Intention is forming national team for World Cup
didnt this idea fail a couple of times already?
Zanimljivo...ja sam za !
Ratz, Fragbyte, Foksie, sakati who else? hmm
good luck for your team :}
think of all the countries...and how much spam there will be in the clandb :roll:

think of all the countries...and how much spam there will be in the clandb :roll:
yeah and weebl wont have anything to do with it
Uhmmm when I first met u renatalis it was immediatly appearant to me that u have serious issues and need some professional counciling...a.k.a psychiatric help since u wanted to talk to me over the phone although u never saw/met me before.Please,delete my name from that clan database immediatly or Im gonna have to ask one of the admins to delete the whole clan.Thank u.
Darn good initiative though...
Would be really interesting if there was a 'national' team of every country represented in E+.
Darn, I would even concider to sacrifice the time to host such a league!

think of all the countries...and how much spam there will be in the clandb :roll:yeah and weebl wont have anything to do with it
ok that sucks
I comme step forward, what is wrong with that ?
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...