CSA 2:0 HELL/19.09.2006/RANKED
*CSA* vs HELL Ranked War
*CSA* win 2:0!
1.Map dm7 3v3 28:9 CSA win
2.Map dm6 3v3 35:9 CSA win
Setting: PB: On
Pure: On
FF: Off
Timelimit: 15min
Gametype: Freeze Tag
THX for war Hell! And HF in future! Nice One *CSA* Guys!
gg csa... your 2nd won clanwar...
peace & greetz
GG all
gg both! HELL is a new clan? nice game CSA!
Who is HELL
a HELL clan. :!: (j/k)
Warm welcome to HELL clan in E+ Welcome my neigbors to our lovely comunity
@ Mauer, where are logfile :
Send to me via email demos. I saw that someone make them, ASAP
Best regards
csa.,. you shoul;d take on sWe next.. ull surely win gg
*no sarcasm included
CSA needs that dude thatw as kicked to beat swe gg
*no sarcasm included
not even a twinklyt00beetwinkle* of it
*twinklyt00beetwinkle is a new unit of the measuring system I though of yesterday.. It includes time being counted in meters, distance with seconds^squared and the general belief that you don't really need any other units as you have the twinklyt00beetwinkle (though nobody yet knows what the twinklyt00beetwinkle counts oO)

csa.,. you should take on sWe next.. ull surely win gg
Nope, they must beat Da before... :oops: