IS 2 : 0 TWT IS map q3dm13
TWT map q3dm7
gametype FTAG
timelimit 15
PunkBuster ON
Pure ON
config QLinsta 1.6
Referee Cienki
THX Cienki for your time THX TWT for CW, Good Game! THX my instaMATES for next win
GJ instastars <3
gg Demos:
: is freon now dead? dont see anybody now
: Idk why, but I've created the e+ chat in Telegram
: freon alive?
: happy holidays
: Professor of what? Respawns or rage quits? You’ve definitely earned your tenure in both
: Always been your professor
: baxtaber, still nub!? =]
: fart run on !FREON! #1 xD
: my table UPDATE sorting of most relevant by have players in tracking and down will be without this feature https://www.tig...
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