®CW // TwT 2:0 dunnO // 27.04.2014
.:: 1st map: q3dm14::.
TwT 120 - 114 dunnO
.:: 2nd map: q3dm7::.
TwT 135 - 130 dunnO
.:: Gametype: TDM 3v3 ::.
.:: Timelimit: 15 ::.
.:: Fraglimit: 0 ::.
.:: FriendlyFire: 0 ::.
.:: Config: instagib.cfg ::.
.:: Pure: Enabled ::.
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled ::.
.:: Server: Mi3 -WAR- Server!::.
.:: Ref+: ::.
nice FW we should do it again sometimes!

When the match started tequila was not in your clan and i don t think that could be possible according to the rulesIf that is true then:
* Violations :
* If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player will not play for the rest of the League + Yellow card for the clan.
// Btw. I don't see that post, so probably TwT broke rules?
i was drunk, but i have demos where Nanamoon allowed Tequila play, it's here: http://speedy.sh/p2FCX/nana.dm-68
And Teq was in ClanDB.
Over stop it!
isn't only about him in the DB... read better :

* Violations :* If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player will not play for the rest of the League + Yellow card for the clan.
And nanamoon said she agreed if 4vs4 and as i saw there were only 3vs3... so not according to what she agreed to...
Bopoh, we agreed to teq only for 4vs4, not for 3vs3. By the way, read what Blitz said about this:

I will check this situation when I will be at home (working now). But if that is true then teq shouldn't playing that match even if DunnO agreed on that. Sorry but rules are rules and everyone must read them. Next time bopoh use correct thread.
it's true, you won a FW, congratulations!
Well, with teq TWT finally got chances to win some games, i think there r must be some congratz to twt coz now they have 1 player in their clan and they can feel themselves winners for some games finally, it's so sweet ^__^
@Over, mate, don't disturb bopoh, let him feel himself happy

Well, with teq TWT finally got chances to win some games, i think there r must be some congratz to twt coz now they have 1 player in their clan and they can feel themselves winners for some games finally, it's so sweet ^__^
@Over, mate, don't disturb bopoh, let him feel himself happypff teq noob) just i was drunk and could not play
yeye u always drunk, more lulz
i was drunk, but i have demos where Nanamoon allowed Tequila play, it's here: http://speedy.sh/p2FCX/nana.dm-68
And Teq was in ClanDB.
Over stop it!